Rev. Ara Guekguezian
Executive Presbyter
executive@sjpresbytery.org | Office: (559) 739-0168
The Reverend Guekguezian is the Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of San Joaquin. Pastor Ara primarily serves as support for over twenty-five congregations, fellowships and New Worshipping Communities from Bakersfield through Visalia, Fresno to Merced and Mariposa, covering much of the Central Valley of California. Ara has pastored congregations in and outside of the bounds PC(USA) for forty years in the Presbyteries of Nevada and San Joaquin. He has labored within our bounds for the past twenty-four years serving as pastor and head of staff of Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church for fifteen-years, then as interim pastor head of staff at several congregations in Fresno, Bakersfield and Madera. Ara has travelled extensively throughout the world initiating mission in partnership with native congregations. Ara is married to Evelina and they have two children and one grandchild, who claims to share many qualities and characteristics with his grandfather, some good, others not so much.

Rev. Amanda Nevin
Stated Clerk
statedclerk@sjpresbytery.org | Cell: (415) 827-8076
As the Stated Clerk, Rev. Nevin assists the Presbytery in taking minutes at Presbytery meetings, reviewing church session minutes, and handles statistical reports with the Office of the General Assembly. She is also the staff liaison for Commission on Ministry, Finance and Property Commission and the Stewardship Committee. Rev. Nevin grew up in Fresno, went to college at Whitworth University and graduate school at Austin Seminary. She was ordained in 2004 and served churches in Illinois and northern California before moving back to the valley and taking on mid-council leadership. She is married to her husband Jay and has two school-aged children.

Shirley Batchman
Administrative Assistant
office@sjpresbytery.org | Office: (559) 739-0168
The Administrative Assistant serves as the office manager in Visalia relating to our committees and congregations along with providing administrative support for our staff. Shirley is the first point of contact who can answer your questions and direct you to the resources to meet your needs.

Kristi Hampton
financial@sjpresbytery.org | Office: (559) 739-0168
The Bookkeeper is the primary financial official of the Presbytery working with our Finance Commission to provide efficient & transparent accounting. Kristi also tracks per capita, mission giving, grants and loans for the Presbytery.