See below for a list of the Missions and organizations we support.
Calvin Crest
Calvin Crest is a summer camp, conference center and outdoor school that has been partnering with churches to make life-long disciples of Jesus Christ for more than 60 years. The organization practices biblical hospitality, invites people to experience and know God’s creation and partners with peacemakers to bring health and wholeness.
Mission Project Code #79018
Nuevo Amanecer - ("New Dawn" Church)
Nuestra Visión: “Alcanzar a hombres y mujeres con el mensaje transformador de Jesucristo, capacitándolos para ser lideres eficaces en la proclamación de las Buenas Nuevas, en la capacitación de otros líderes y en el servicio a la comunidad”.
Our Vision: "To reach men and women with the transforming message of Jesus Christ, equipping them to be effective leaders in the proclamation of the Good News, in the equipping of others to lead, and in service to the community.”
Mission Project Code #12056
Iglesia La Roca
Iglesia La Roca is a New Worshiping Community partnership with the P.C.U.S.A., our Presbytery (or the POSJ) and Westminster Church that seeks to explore ministry opportunities with kids and their families in Fresno's growing and under-served North West side. Pastor Alex Gonzolez leads both a Saturday morning recreational outreach at Adams Elementary and a Sunday morning worship service at the school for all the kids and parents that respond to the invitation for Bible study and worship.
Mission Project Code 06-960387
Woven Community
Woven Community is a new worshiping community based in Fresno, CA. The group meets for a weekly worship service on Sunday evenings at the Westminster Presbyterian Church campus, and also meets for several community activities and events outside of church. Their goal is create an environment that is safe for questioning, balanced in its theological views, and relevant to all generations. Above all, they want you to know the love of God.
Mission Project Code #01342
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